PingMe™ makes the fisheries more efficient and profitable as well as making the ocean more sustainable

PingMe™ from Ocean Space Acoustics – the solution

PingMe™ is a reliable and cost-efficient solution, uniquely designed to withstand the harsh conditions on a fishing vessel. It effectively tackles the problem of ghost fishing, while simultaneously making fisheries more efficient and profitable through critical information. As a patented, smart, and modern innovation, PingMe™ stands as a tailored solution for operating in demanding and rugged environments.

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About Ocean Space Acoustics

Ocean Space Acoustics is a visionary new company that springs out from SINTEF (Norway’s largest research institution) with patented technology, based on many years of research. Our vision is to contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable ocean as well as making the fisheries more efficient and profitable through providing critical data.

Sep. 2024

Ny, nedslående rekord på Fiskeridirektoratet’s årlige opprenskningstokt

På Fiskeridirektoratets årlige opprenskningstokt ble det nok en gang satt rekord i antallet tapte og gjenstående fiskeredskaper som ble tatt opp og fjernet fra havbunnen. Dette på tross av av det ble lagt ned hele 20% mindre innsats enn i fjor. «Vi håper vår PingMe teknologi kan bli et viktig bidrag til bærekraftig fiske ved […]

New, sad record on the Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries’ annual clean-up campaign

On the Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries’ annual clean-up campaign, a record was once again set in the number of lost and remaining fishing gear that was picked up and removed from the seabed. This despite the fact that 20% less effort was put in than last year. “We hope our PingMe technology can make an […]