PingMe™ makes the fisheries more efficient and profitable as well as making the ocean more sustainable

PingMe™ from Ocean Space Acoustics – the solution

PingMe™ is a reliable and cost-efficient solution, uniquely designed to withstand the harsh conditions on a fishing vessel. It effectively tackles the problem of ghost fishing, while simultaneously making fisheries more efficient and profitable through critical information. As a patented, smart, and modern innovation, PingMe™ stands as a tailored solution for operating in demanding and rugged environments.

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About Ocean Space Acoustics

Ocean Space Acoustics is a visionary new company that springs out from SINTEF (Norway’s largest research institution) with patented technology, based on many years of research. Our vision is to contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable ocean as well as making the fisheries more efficient and profitable through providing critical data.

Jul. 2024

Tech-Driven sustainability in global crab fishing

In the evolving landscape of global fisheries, the Irish snow crab fishing industry is at a crossroads. The increasing need for sustainable practices coupled with the rapid advancement of technology is reshaping the industry. This transformation is driven by environmental considerations and a focus on ensuring the industry’s longevity and economic viability. The global decline […]

Mar. 2024

Navigating Towards a Sustainable Future

Our product PingMe is designed to address some of the most pressing challenges faced by marine ecosystems and the fishing industry today. The innovative solution offers a promising path to a sustainable future, balancing necessary fishing practices with the urgent need to protect our oceanic frontiers. Bridging the Gap Between Industry and Conservation The dichotomy between […]